Basic Rope Skills

It’s less scary than it sounds

So you want to take one of our intermediate classes, but “basic rope skills” are a prerequisite? It’s cool—you’ve got this.

To get the most out of this class, you should already know three things. If you don’t already know them, you can learn them right now:

1. A single column tie

A single column tie is the most useful bondage technique and most beginner classes will teach you one.

We recommend the basic single column tie for beginners, but if you’re ambitious you could also learn the Somerville Bowline.

2. Basic consent skills

Consent is fundamental to good kink. You should practice good consent in the bedroom, and in the classroom. Here’s our version of essential consent.

3. Basic bondage safety

The bondage techniques in our beginner and intermediate classes are all low-risk, but you should be familiar with basic bondage safety rules.

That’s all

That was easy. See you in class!


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