Be Fair and Reasonable

One of the best ways to produce an effective, lawsuit-resistant statement is to meticulously check the style of your writing. Your message should consistently come across as reasonable and fair, with no trace of pettiness or vindictiveness.

Why does style matter?

First, because the style of your statement is important if you get sued. Element 2 of defamation is fault: if your statement reads as petty and vindictive, it is easier for your opponent to argue that you were motivated by malice.

Second, because style and content often go hand in hand. If a paragraph sounds petty and vindictive, that’s a warning sign that the content may be inaccurate and unfair. Reviewing your style is an important tool for finding and correcting problematic content.

Finally, because reasonable statements are more effective. Your goal in making a statement is to convince your audience of a set of facts and persuade them to take certain actions. You will be more persuasive if you come across as fair and reasonable.


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